News – Dancing Pencils Fri, 29 Jan 2016 13:46:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Benefits of Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:43:57 +0000 Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs under trained right brain mentors, give young people an opportunity to test their ideas in a safe environment. The right brain taps into the entire universe – past, present and future – and also unearths trauma and secrets within a person. It is therefore therapeutic and presents writers with great material for stories.

On the 15 November 2015, three EThekwini Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs were workshopped by Felicity Keats on right brain novel writing. She would like to see more novels coming from rural clubs whose writers have been published in an anthology.

On this day, a small audience was present to listen to them read from their latest anthologies and to enjoy performances by the clubs. Khulabebekhu from Umbumbulu had a wonderful Praise Poet, and Newlands East High had great isiZulu dancers. Here are some pictures taken that day.

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Benefits of Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:01:55 +0000 IMG_20151115_141601 IMG_20151115_141647 IMG_20151115_141845 IMG_20151115_141850 IMG_20151115_141948 VID_20151115_141450

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Felicity Keats Morrison Achieves Excellence Award Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:12:54 +0000 for feature article dancing Correctional Services, Durban Management Area, honoured Felicity Keats Morrison by putting her forward as a Dancing Pencils’ nominee for their Excellence Awards (together with Mr Mbili, HOD of Medium B) and inviting her to be present at their annual Awards Presentations. This took place at the Coastlands Hotel in Umhlanga on Thursday 30th October.

Felicity’s invitation was for her part in motivating offenders of Medium B, Men’s Maximum Security, in 2013, to write short stories in English and isiZulu, as well as poetry, using their right brains. The books were launched at Exclusive Books, Pavilion, Westville, towards the end of 2013.  Felicity continued the project with giving the offenders tips on writing full length novels,  autobiographies or motivational books, in English or isiZulu, using right brain methods.

This has been a project taken deeply to heart as the offenders are still writing, and have selected a new committee for 2014. Transformation has taken place for them, and hence Mr Mbili, HOD of Medium B, went home after the Awards Evening with a lovely golden cup and a framed certificate for Excellence in the Dancing Pencils Project.

The vision of Correctional Services is: contributing to a just, peaceful and safer South Africa through effective and humane incarceration of inmates, rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders.

The Awards evening was the 7th Corrections Excellence Awards hosted by the Durban Management Area of the National Department of Correctional Services in KZN. Officials who were awarded had excelled in their various components and duties.  They had gone the extra mile. They have dreamed to be different had overcome obstacles and reached their destinations.  They had conquered storms and “danced in the rain.”

They have made up their minds what they want to be and made this happen!

Congratulations to a happy and very efficient Correctional Services Department on a highly successful and fun evening!


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The Club Members Were Interviewed On A Youth Programme Called Teen Zone On Ligwalagwala FM Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:02:04 +0000 Ligwalagwala FMThe club members were interviewed on a youth programme called Teen Zone on Ligwalagwala FM (the number one radio station in Mpumalanga) about the club’s newly published book titled YES which was published by Umsinsi Press last month. Their Mentor is Zithini Dlamini.

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Parkvale Primary Ferry Outing on Durban Bay Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:25:45 +0000 IMG_0976“You haven’t seen Durban until you have seen it from the bay” says the advert for the Sarie Marais Ferry cruise around Durban Bay.

The 65 learner strong Dancing Pencils Writing Club from Parkvale Primary in Newlands West  were amongst a number of other schools taking a cruise around Durban’s Bay on the 1st October. There was Marianne Ridge Primary and there was also a school from Lesotho.

But Parkvale Primary were not only about to see Durban from the bay, but to write creatively, using their right brains, whilst on the ferry boat.

Creativity would be called on, as the morning started by raining heavily, in torrential downpours. Then the wind sprang up, a really healthy gale, after which the sun came out! All part of an exciting writing experience on Durban’s beautiful bay!

Congratulations to the Principal, Ms Mpungose and Veena Gangaram, the Mentor of the club for organising a really wonderful learning experience for the children of their writing club.

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Feature Picture Of Parkvale And The Ferry Trip Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:53:26 +0000 Veena and KidsSunday Times photographer was intrigued with the way the Parkvale Primary Dancing Pencils Writing Club members just got out their books and started writing on their Jolly Roger Ferry trip outing …

Their Mentor Veena Gangaram, (also in the photo), encouraged them to write about their feelings as the ferry boat “rocked and rolled.”  Felicity Keats Morrison (the founder)  was present with a tape recorder of Vivaldi, but above the roar of the engines and the sound of the wind and rain, it wasn’t easy to hear the music!

It was a typical October day when one gets ALL seasons in one morning.  There were hugely heavy squalls of rain,  and strong icy winds. The bay looked like the sea, it was so full of white waves  and was very choppy.  The children got wet in the rain, they dried out in the wind, and they laughed and loved it all. And they wrote! Some of these writings will be in their next year’s Anthology of Stories.

Parkvale Primary have been in existence for 12 years. Their current Principal, Ms Mpungose, is enthusiastic about the success that belonging to the Dancing Pencils Writing Club at her school, brings to individual learners.

Veena Gangaram who is a maths teacher, says that right brain understanding helps with maths. Veena has increased the percentage in ANA tests from 27% to  51% and is proud of her achievements! A feature article on this writing club and their mentor, Veena Gangaram, will appear in the Sunday Times extra newspaper shortly.

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Parkvale Primary Dancing Pencils Writing Club Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:40:16 +0000 Parkvale PrimaryThis is the oldest of the writing clubs, having started their first published work in 2012. It is mentored by Mrs Veena Gangaram, a teacher of 32 years standing who has a committed club of 65 children at her marginally disadvantaged school in Newlands West, Durban..

Although the club launched their book a few days previously, they  had an enthusiastic representation that included the presence of the Principal, Ms Mpungose.

Their anthology, called It’s our Choice Again, has a wide variety of stories. These include romantic stories, soothing stories and also crime and violence. This is definitely a book that will extend the minds of those who read it!

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Durban girls Secondary Dancing Pencils Writing Club Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:22:36 +0000 Durban Girls Secondary SchoolThis club’s development is due to the passion of General Kikine who motivated Felicity to train 50 learners and educators in February of this year.

A motivated group of young people have produced deeply felt poetry.  We anticipate that the club will blossom and look forward  to future publications from the muses at work.

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Colenso Primary Dancing Pencils Writing Club Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:17:21 +0000 Colenso Primary (Dr Msomi)This new club, mentored and motivated by the Principal, Dr Msomi, is the result of right brain trainings done in the Uthukela District at the invitation of Thembi Joko in September of last year.

The club gave the audience extra enjoyment in the rhythmic performance that they gave us, prior to reading parts of their new work.

We do congratulate Dr Msomi and his writers. We know the club will grow in strength.

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Zola Primary Dancing Pencils Writing Club Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:10:24 +0000 Zola Primary SchoolThe Zola Primary Dancing Pencils Writing Club has been in existence since 2013 and we congratulate them for again submitting work for publication.

The audience was delighted with the passion with which a young member of the club delivered part of what she had written.  Thank you for your presence, Zola Primary. Your commitment is wonderful!

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