Our Premier, Dr Zweli Mkhize at the Playhouse Launch
Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs came from Empangeni, Estcourt, Umbumbulu, Msinga, Howick, and locally to launch their new books at this year’s Playhouse launch.
Here is Mentor Maimoonah ... Continue Reading →
Drakensview Primary Dancing Pencils
Dancing Pencils Writing Clubs are as varied as people are. At Drakensview Primary School in Estcourt, under the competent Mentorship of Sthembile Magubane, a new writing club launched ... Continue Reading →

Press Briefing at the BAT Centre
Mr Dlamini from the Khulebebuka Secondary School at Umbumbulu made a noticable impact with his talk about the development of the skills of writing and reading that the introduction ... Continue Reading →