Over a thirty year period, Felicity Keats-Morrison has developed a unique method of unlocking creativity in different fields of creativity ie writing, maths and science subjects, arts and culture and storytelling. She also established a publishing company for the purpose of documenting all the above talents.
In 1998, she presented the method to ELITS – Education Library Information Technology Services (KZN). She trained mentors for this department in 2002. ELITS project was a success and since then, most of the other Departments of Education in South Africa have incorporated this right brain method, in small or big ways.
The Dancing Pencils Literacy Development Project was born as an initiative of heads of libraries and as an initiative in some education departments in different provinces, The company, a non-profit making organisation, called Dancing Pencils Literacy Development Project, was established mainly to assist develop the Dancing Pencils Writing clubs nationally.
The company strives to provide professionalism and excellence in developing of writing clubs nationally. We now have a Dancing Pencils Writing Club Committee in each of the nine provinces, set up to promote the books of Dancing Pencils Authors in their provinces over the media on national and international book days and to answer questions about right brain writing and the mentor programme.
With the collective education industry’s knowledge and the experience of our management team we are well equipped to meet the demands of a changing education. KZN Arts, Culture and Tourism, and the Rights on the Child’s Commission have also become involved.
Felicity Keats-Morrison also works in partnership with the PanSALanguage Board in mentor training and unlocking creativity of learners, with great success, The outcome has been the publishing of books in South Africa’s marginalised home languages.